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Paul Duffy, Liberal Democrats – Congleton – GE19 candidate


We are providing all 39 parliamentary candidates across Cheshire the opportunity to tell our readers what their priorities are, and to tell us a little more about themselves.

We’ve asked the same five questions of each candidate, for the simplest comparison, and we have invited candidates to supply social media and website links if they choose to.

In this article, we speak to Paul Duffy, standing for the Liberal Democrats in Congleton.



1. What is the main reason you’ve decided to stand in this election?

The towns and villages in Congleton Constituency need an MP that is willing to run through walls to get the best for the area.

Too many houses, no proper infrastructure, poor air quality, poor physical and mental health provision, under-funded schools.

The list goes on and it is time Congleton had an MP that fought hard to resolve these issues.


2. Which local priorities would you take forward as our MP?

The five main towns that make up the constituency need extra funding to boost and revitalise the town centres that are under pressure from large corporations.

I would fight for money to go to the borough and town councils so that we effectively regenerate these areas by the people that know the local area best.

We also need to reassess blanket housebuilding without the proper infrastructure which is destroying the fabric of rural and semi-rural life.


3. Which national priorities would you take forward as our MP?

I am standing under a ‘five Es’ banner. (The Economy, Education, Environment and Health, qualities and of course Europe.)

These would be my local and national drivers.


4. What is it about your party and/or its manifesto that makes you proud to represent your party? Are there any manifesto pledges or commitments you’d like to see changed?

The commitment to spend a much needed £10 billion into education to re-balance the demise of the education system in the last decade.

I might get HQ on my back for this one, but the revoke A50 if we had a mandate, I would have changed.

I have been canvassing in the towns a lot in the last few weeks and listening to residents from all sides. People are very unsure of the impact of this policy if it was delivered.

We still have the request for a people’s vote, a long term Lib Dem policy and I believe this should have still been our flagship policy on Europe.


5. Please tell us a little about yourself.

(ie: your background, your experience, your hobbies, your non-political interests)

I have been a member of the Liberal Democrats since 2016 following the Brexit vote in June of that year.

Always interested in politics, the EU referendum was the tipping point where I had to stop ranting at the TV and actually do something.

I have lived in Congleton for more than 13 years, I am married to a primary school head teacher and I have two children in later stages of education.

I have worked in supply chain management for a variety of health care companies for most of my working life.

However it was my time as a stay at home dad with my son that was most rewarding (if not toughest) role!

In my spare time I enjoy playing my guitar in a variety of bands as well as participating in or watching shows at the theatre. I also love socialising with friends and family.


Further links (as supplied by the candidate)

Facebook: Congleton Constituency Liberal Democrats

Twitter: @PaulDLD


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