A new scheme has been launched by Knutsford Town Council to recognise long-standing businesses in the town.
The rolling programme celebrates businesses who have traded in Knutsford for a minimum of five years, and continues up to a 75+ year “lifetime achievement” award.
“This programme recognises the importance of the achievement of staying on our high street, especially in our post-covid, online shopping times,” said town centre manager Sandra Curties.
“This will be a rolling programme that hopefully continues for an extremely long time!”
The programme was launched at the end of July with a mix of businesses receiving the first certificates and window stickers from town mayor Colin Banks.
He said: “I was delighted to present our first batch of business recognition awards.
“Of course, our high street has changed but it still offers both locals and visitors a vibrant mix of shops and services.”
The programme recognises those who have traded in the town for 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 75+ years.
Certificates will be handed out over the coming months.