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Rejoin EU Party leader to stand in Chester by-election



The Rejoin EU Party has announced its party leader Richard Hewison will stand as a candidate in the Chester parliamentary by-election on 1st December.

The by-election was called due to the resignation of disgraced Labour MP Chris Matheson, who was found guilty of sexual misconduct.

Mr Hewison says he is standing to challenge Labour’s pro-Brexit policy, and feels the party is unable to make Brexit work.

The party stated they expect Labour to win, but added they see the by-election as a good opportunity to convince Labour to adopt a more pro-European policy.

A spokesperson said: “Though Brexit has clearly failed and needs to be reversed, Labour leader Keir Starmer has ruled out re-joining the single market, the customs union and the EU, has said Britain can take advantage of Brexit opportunities and insists Labour can make it work.

“Voters in Chester need to know a vote for Labour is a vote for Brexit and more economic and political chaos.”

Mr Hewison commented: “The Rejoin EU Party wants to send a strong message to Labour in Chester.

“Every single person in the constituency who votes for us will help strengthen that message.

“Labour thinks it’s got the next election sewn up, but unless it starts speaking for the millions facing Brexit chaos, it risks alienating a significant chunk of its voters.

“We hope concerned Chester voters who might usually support Labour will take this chance to show Labour where their priorities lie.”

Party chairman Andrew Smith added: “Labour supports almost all the government’s policies that have exacerbated the cost-of-living crises.

“It’s just too scared to stand up for the country and for a better future with Europe.”

Local supporter John Falch believes Labour has been avoiding the topic and that they should seek to forge closer links with the EU.

He said: “Labour has consistently avoided the Europe question and dismissed the importance of strong bonds with Europe to please a minority of its voter base.

“While Chester’s voters face a cost-of-living crisis worsened by Brexit, Labour has stayed silent.”

The Rejoin EU Party is campaigning to reverse Brexit because they believe the UK belongs at the heart of Europe and re-joining is the only way to solve the problems caused by leaving.

They believe Brexit is broken and it’s breaking the country – and hasn’t brought about the reduction in red tape and bureaucracy promised during the referendum campaign.

They say Brexit makes trading with the European market more complex, difficult and expensive and sectors such as farming, fisheries and financial services now face an uncertain future as a consequence.


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