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MP visits early HS2 projects




Crewe and Nantwich MP, Dr Kieran Mullan has been visiting some of the sites where early work is taking place for the West Midlands to Crewe leg of HS2.

The HS2 engagement and engineering teams spoke with Dr Mullan about current activity in the area.



Dr Mullan said the teams highlighted potential supply chain opportunities as well as describing what communities can expect to see during construction and operation.

They also discussed the importance of keeping residents in the loop about what is happening in the area – and said this is happening by posting letters through people’s doors.



Dr Mullan saw environmental work being carried out by HS2 contractors, where HS2 Ltd is seeking combat the environmental impact of the new high speed railway’s construction.

For example, the firm says that for every pond that is being destroyed, another two will be created.

These will be located at various sites around the Crewe and Nantwich constituency, as well as other parts of the country.



Dr Mullan also visited an early works building site, where he spoke to local firm CLD Fencing Systems.

The Sandbach-based contractor is being employed by HS2 Ltd to place secure fencing around many of their building sites.



Dr Mullan, who is supportive of the high speed rail scheme, commented: “HS2 is an amazing opportunity for our area, bringing jobs and investment into our area both during construction and once the lines are built and operating.

“While there is, of course, going to be some environmental impact from the construction, it is great to see that HS2 Ltd and their contractors are already working to ensure that local habitats are not lost.”



He added: “The construction also provides good opportunities for local businesses to get contracts – with some, like CLD Fencing Systems, already benefitting.

“We want to organise events for local businesses, so that they can speak to organisations like CLD Fencing Systems and learn about how they can get contracts too and make the most of the opportunities HS2 brings.”



Dr Mullan continued: “Along with the £22.9 million Crewe Town Deal, £14 million from the Future High Streets Fund and £5 million to create an Institute of Technology at Cheshire College – South and West we can see levelling up in action locally.

“I am optimistic for our future as a town and region.”




Editor: yes, we really did agree to have that much orange in one article!



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