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Application to convert former Alderley Edge church into flats refused



Article by Belinda Ryan, local democracy reporter


Cheshire East has turned down a scheme to convert a former Alderley Edge church into four apartments.

Brook Lane Chapel was converted into a single house several years ago and the latest application sought to sub-divide the property into three two bedroomed flats and one three bedroomed apartment.

But members of the council’s northern planning committee refused the application, on the casting vote of the chair.

They said it would not provide an adequate level of outdoor private amenity space or adequate safe and secure cycle storage for future occupiers.

Much of the debate at Wednesday’s meeting at Macclesfield Town Hall centred around highways issues.

Several councillors were concerned there was no turning circle so vehicles driving into the site would have to reverse back out on to Brook Lane.

Highways officer Neil Jones told the committee a refusal could not be sustained at appeal on those grounds.

“People, in my view, will have to reverse out of these spaces on to Brook Lane but then it’s no different to the adjacent properties – they all have to reverse on to Brook Lane as well,” said Mr Jones.

Cllr Paul Findlow (Prestbury, Con) responded: “Given the neighbours’ situation, why do two wrongs make a right? Why is reversing in and out not dangerous near a bend?”

Cllr David Jefferay (Wilmslow East, Ind)  said his concerns over highways were less of a concern after hearing a hedge at the front was to be removed to improve visibility.

“More of a concern for me is it’s over-development of the site,” said Cllr Jefferay.

“The fact that two of the units don’t have garden space or amenity space, to me, just reinforces the fact that it’s over-development. The fact the cycle storage has to be inside, again points to over-development.”

He proposed the application be refused.

But Cllr Lesley Smetham (Con) disagreed saying there were nearby parks for outdoor activity and people lived in flats quite happily.

The Gawsworth councillor told the committee: “I’m very keen to provide some decent housing where needed.”

She added: “A refusal would be rather difficult to sustain at appeal.”

The committee had earlier heard from applicant James Tipler that the Cheshire East planning officer  had recommended the application be approved.

“There is no clear policy reason for refusal,” Mr Tipler had told the committee.

Cllr Nick Mannion (Macclesfield West and Ivy) proposed the committee defer the application and go to visit the site.

This proposal was lost on the casting vote of chair James Nicholas (Bollington, Ind).

Councillors then voted on the proposal from Cllr Jefferay that the application be refused.

Again the vote was tied. Five councillors voted in favour of refusal, five voted against and two abstained.

The scheme was refused on the casting vote of the chair.

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